10 Aug 2017

How to parse a proto3 message with FParsec

I would like to try FParsec fsharp parser to parse proto3 message.

I used this FParsec tutorial first in order to be more familiar with this library.


This is not a production code proto3 specification is here if you want to continue with this script.

The proto3 message sample

proto3 is a message format used by protobuf-net for example and could be export from type having some attributes indicating the mapping Id <-> properties and other metadata for the serialization configuration.

For more information about proto spec, read this documentation.

To start, I will use this first sample and make step by step all parsers to get the type info in this structure :

type Type = 
    | Scalar of string
    | Custom of string

type FieldSpec = 
    { Id : int
      Type: Type
      Name : string }

type Field = 
    | Required of FieldSpec
    | Optional of FieldSpec
    | Repeated of FieldSpec

type Message = 
    { Name : string
      Fields : Field list } 

Here is the sample that we will use all along this post :

    message CalculateInfo {
    required string CalStarttime=1;
    optional string CalEndtime=2;
    required string Smiles=3;
    optional string CAS=4;
    optional string ChName=5;
    optional string EnName=6;
    required string Param=7;
    required bytes Result=8;
    required bool IsFinished=9;
    required bool IsFinished=9; }

    message GetAllCalulateResponse{
        required bool  isSuccessful = 1;
        required int32 Count=2;
        repeated CalculateInfo History=3; }

Lets go !

The FParsec references (I will write with REPL style, so I will use a .fsx).

#r "packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/FParsecCS.dll"
#r "packages/FParsec/lib/net40-client/FParsec.dll"
#r "System.Core.dll"
#r "System.dll"
#r "System.Drawing.dll"
#r "System.Numerics.dll"

open FParsec

Step 1 : extracting the name of the message

In our case we want to extract the first message name : CalculateInfo

let msgSample = "message CalculateInfo {"

let pMessage = spaces >>. pstringCI "message" >>. spaces >>. (noneOf "{ " |> manyChars) 

run pMessage msgSample

The pMessage function will :

  • skip any spaces (including line break),
  • parse the world (case insensitive) “message”,
  • skip any spaces
  • extract any chars (manyChars will convert chars to string) except (noneOf take a string and extract each char as blacklist) “ “ (whitespace) and “{“.

The interactive will print this result :

val it : ParserResult<string,unit> = Success: "CalculateInfo"

Step 2 : Parse 1 field

let fieldSample = "required string CalStarttime=1"

let fieldSpec f t n i = f { FieldSpec.Id=i; Type=t; Name=n }
let pRequired = stringCIReturn "required" (fieldSpec Required)

run pRequired fieldSample

The pRequired will parse the word (case insensitive) required and return the fieldSpec with the parameter Required. Let see the fieldSpec func : f parameter could be one of the choice defined into the type :

type Field = 
    | Required of FieldSpec
    | Optional of FieldSpec
    | Repeated of FieldSpec

When we look at the proto3 field definition we will parse in order :

required string CalStarttime=1

1/ Field rule 2/ Type 3/ Name 4/ Id

Look at the fieldSpec fun (defined in the previous code part) is exactly the adapter function that parsing after parsing will be applied to become in the end a Field instance.

Let just adapt the parser in order to parse the field rules optional or repeated :

let ws = pchar ' ' |> manyChars |>> ignore

let fieldSample = "required string CalStarttime=1"

let fieldSpec f t n i = f { FieldSpec.Id=i; Type=t; Name=n }
let pRequired = stringCIReturn "required" (fieldSpec Required)
let pOptional = stringCIReturn "optional" (fieldSpec Optional)
let pRepeated = stringCIReturn "repeated" (fieldSpec Repeated)
let pField = ws >>. (pRequired <|> pOptional <|> pRepeated)

run pField "required string CalStarttime=1" //Success: <fun:pRequired@40-8>
run pField "repeated string CalStarttime=1" //Success: <fun:pRepeated@42-6>
run pField "optional string CalStarttime=1" //Success: <fun:pOptional@41-6>

We can see that the orElse operator <|> return the parser corresponding to the field rule (optional, required, repeated).

Now we have a function that take only the type, name and id.

Let’s go to parse the type!

In proto, types are separated as scalar type and other types.

We will first parse the scalar type. The code is a little bit boring, the most interesting part is the parser function :

module ScalarType = 
    let private mapping = 
        [ "double",  typeof<double>
          "float",   typeof<float>
          "int32",   typeof<int>
          "int64",   typeof<int64>
          "uint32",  typeof<uint32>
          "uint64",  typeof<uint64>
          "sint32",  typeof<int32>
          "sint64",  typeof<int64>
          "fixed32", typeof<uint32>
          "fixed64", typeof<uint64>
          "bool",    typeof<bool>
          "string",  typeof<string>
          "bytes",   typeof<byte[]> ]
        |> Map.ofList

    let parser = 
        |> Map.toSeq
        |> Seq.map (fst >> pstring)
        |> Seq.fold (<|>) pzero
run ScalarType.parser "double" //ParserResult<string,unit> = Success: "double"

The parser function aim :

  • take all scalar type as string into a seq.
  • for each string, use a string parser
  • use the orElse combinator and start with the pzero.

The pzero is really intesting because it will always return Error with empty error message. Combined with the orElse combinator it is like if you just force the second parser to be executed because the first parser will always failed. This is exactly what we want when we would like to fold the sequence of parsers to one parser.

What is displayed if there was an error ?

run ScalarType.parser "hello" (*val it : ParserResult<string,unit> =
Error in Ln: 1 Col: 1
Expecting: 'bool', 'bytes', 'double', 'fixed32', 'fixed64', 'float', 'int32',
'int64', 'sfixed32', 'sfixed64', 'sint32', 'sint64', 'string', 'uint32' or

Hey! not bad!

If it is not a scalar type, it is a custom type :

let pWord = (<>) ' ' |> satisfy |> manyChars

let pType = 
    (ScalarType.parser |>> Scalar)
    <|> (ws >>. pWord |>> Custom)
run pType "hello" //ParserResult<Type,unit> = Success: Custom "hello"

There is only the name and identifier missed to build the full field parser, so here is the full code of the field parser :

let (<*>) f x = f >>= fun f' -> x >>= fun x' -> preturn (f' x')

let pField = 
    let fieldSpec f t n i = f { Id=i; Type=t; Name=n }
    let pRequired = stringCIReturn "required" (fieldSpec Required)
    let pOptional = stringCIReturn "optional" (fieldSpec Optional)
    let pRepeated = stringCIReturn "repeated" (fieldSpec Repeated)
    let pField = ws >>. (pRequired <|> pOptional <|> pRepeated)
    let pName = ws >>. (noneOf " =" |> manyChars)
    let pId = ws >>. pstring "=" >>. spaces >>. pint32

    pField <*> (ws >>. pType) <*> (ws >>. pName) <*> pId

run pField "required string CalStarttime=1" 

The result will be :

val it : ParserResult<Field,unit> =
  Success: Required {Id = 1;
          Type = Scalar "string";
          Name = "CalStarttime";}

Now we have to build a fields parser that parse multiple field !

Step 3 : Parsing n Fields

let pFields = spaces >>. sepEndBy pField (spaces >>. pchar ';' .>> spaces)

run pFields """required string CalStarttime=1;optional string CalEndtime=2"""

with more samples :

run pFields """required string CalStarttime=1; optional string CalEndtime=2;"""
run pFields """required string CalStarttime=1 ; optional string CalEndtime=2;"""
run pFields """
required string CalStarttime=1 ; optional string CalEndtime=2;"""
run pFields """
 required string CalStarttime=1 ; optional string CalEndtime=2;"""
run pFields """
    required string CalStarttime=1 ; optional string CalEndtime=2;"""
run pFields """
    required string CalStarttime=1;
    optional string CalEndtime=2;"""
run pFields """
    required string CalStarttime=1;
    optional string CalEndtime=2;
run pFields """

    required string CalStarttime=1;
    optional string CalEndtime=2;
run pFields """

    required string CalStarttime=1;

    optional string CalEndtime=2;

Step final : the full parser

And now we have to combine pFields + pMessge together!

let message name fields = { Fields=fields; Name=name }

let pProtoMessage = pMessage |>> message .>> spaces .>> pchar '{' .>> spaces <*> pFields .>> spaces .>> pchar '}'

let pProtos = sepEndBy pProtoMessage spaces

run pProtos """
    message CalculateInfo {
    required string CalStarttime=1;
    optional string CalEndtime=2;
    required string Smiles=3;
    optional string CAS=4;
    optional string ChName=5;
    optional string EnName=6;
    required string Param=7;
    required bytes Result=8;
    required bool IsFinished=9;
    required bool IsFinished=9; }

    message GetAllCalulateResponse{
        required bool  isSuccessful = 1;
        required int32 Count=2;
        repeated CalculateInfo History=3; }

And the final result of our parser!

val it : ParserResult<Field list,unit> =
  Success: [Required {Id = 1;
           Type = Scalar "string";
           Name = "CalStarttime";}; Optional {Id = 2;
                                              Type = Scalar "string";
                                              Name = "CalEndtime";}]

Finally, we see step by step how to deal with FParsec to build and compose parser together by building a full proto message parser. This parser could be composed with an enum parser. The enum parser could reuse the internal message parser, and so on…